Friday, March 4, 2011

The Little Things That Touch the Heart

Last night I made my long overdue late night grocery run. I do not like going grocery shopping with the kids so I wait and go after everyone is asleep. It's a late night but it beats the arguing that goes on between the kids and me over buying something. It doesn't matter what it is or even if they know what it is I hear the phrase "can I buy that" at least 500 times.

So anyway, at the end of my grocery night out I spotted a very young couple, probably 16, shopping for wedding rings. My first thought was, "Wow their young. Wonder if their mother and father know what they are thinking about doing." I continued observing them for a few more seconds when the couple turned around to walk away and I saw her 7 month bump. I immediately wanted to run over to her, throw my arms around her and say thank you for choosing life. I stopped my feet from moving and decided that I might just freak them out a little if I did. The joy that I feel when I see a young teen mom who has decided that it is more important to give her baby life than it is to go to her prom or to play one more year of basketball or even to impress her friends is overwhelming. It makes me so proud to know that there are good young people out there. I imagine that fear that she must have had when she saw that positive pregnancy test and the tears that must have poured down her checks. Her feelings of what will my mother think, or my dad, or what will my friends do? Will I be hated, will I be called a slut, will God hate me, or wonder what my boyfriend will do - run or hold me? What about the pressure that others will give her about whether or not she should keep the baby or choose to kill it. Her friends may have even offered to take her to do it - you know, the abortion that PP will give to anyone of any age. Or maybe she was blessed and had great friends that supported her, loved her, and told her that everything was going to be ok. Oh how I wanted to just hug her again and tell her how amazing she is and that what she is doing is so hard, but the greatest blessing she will ever receive.

I had no idea when I went to the grocery store last night that I would have my heart touched in such an empowering way. I may have been having a tough week but to see that young girls 7 month bump and to hear her "yes" was all I needed to smile and cry joy. Thank you God for such small blessings that touch me in so many big ways.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

And The Journey Begins

I have decided to start a personal blog. I will be sharing a wide range of thoughts, info, opinions, and maybe even complain every now and then. I am here to be an honest woman, mother, and wife and share my journey, my real journey.

Why the name? Well, I feel like every day I am learning something new. Sometimes small things, sometimes very important things. But I am always learning. Life for me is a lot of trial and error. From trying to raise 4 very small children to simply going to the bathroom in a public restroom while wearing a baby in the sling, holding my purse, and NOT ever touching the seat - Yes this is possible. But no matter how great the day is or how hard it might be, it is always full of blessings.